...my good pal Jon Sturge is leaving for Australia tomorrow , so I sent him off with a new pair of custom Red Tel "Vincent" cords. I barely had time to finish them before he left , so please excuse the random threads etc... in the photos. That's Jon on the right holding down an alley creep before the Strange Brew premiere in Vancouver...... and our good friend Bud Patterson is muggin' right along with him. The premiere was delayed that nite , which resulted in the 3 of us making multiple runs to the beer store for pre-show refreshments ...... consumed in a classy alleyway of our choice. We're gonna miss ol' Jonjeet here at Red Telephone ..... he was the principle filmer for the soon -to-be-released Red Tel promo video. Good luck in OZ my man , find some witchity grubs and don't import any chaz-wuzzers ! ..............ac.
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