Above : A record from the 1800's that was laying around Dan V and Drew's place.
Below : Drew Hairymore
Above: Dan V texting and BBQing....man.... c'mon.
Above and below : Pretty dope ledge spot right on the main drag in sketchy Newark.
Dan V BUTR Bro !
Above and below : Drew's slashings in the deep end of this random Jersey skatepark were like, soooooo cute !
Above and below : We hit up a sick DIY spot in Jersey City that the boys had some part in creating.... fun as hell. I ate shit on the 1st attempt of that bluntslide.
Above : Willy Akers on deck !
Above : This is Scraggles. We had a few issues....
Below : Brooklyn Bridge on film. Thanks Pete Miles.
Above : Gianni's Pizza in Bed Stuy made this gem.
Below : Crown Fried Chicken, around the corner from my friend Nick's place in Brooklyn, has this posted in the window. It's right next to the Marcy Projects where Jay-Z grew up.
Above and below : The solid homie Jon Sturge came through for a few days to visit and get some skating in. He got a clip at this classic Queens spot while the DTZ did not.
Above : Drew floating in a bowl that he built.
Below : Willy doing a Texas Plant at the Chelsea Piers Skatepark in Manhattan.
Above : I was wandering around Manhattan on a misty day and found this bench on the waterfront, among many other great spots. Had to use the timer for a self portrait.
I had a great time on my 2 week vacation in New York.... can't wait to go back ! Hopefully I won't get rained out as much ( over half this trip was plagued by rain storms ), but even so, there's a million things to do in NYC even if there's a blizzard. Thanks to Nick, Andrew and Dan V for being such great hosts... see you in Arizona brothers !
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