Friday, July 3, 2015

Red Telephone presents G9 SUMMIT Full Video

  In this age of instagram clips and the 15 second attention span, a camera that can be pulled from your pocket and recording at a moment's notice reigns supreme. Iphones upload a memory as it happens, and then that memory fades once the next ultra-slow-mo'd NBD magically appears, forever buried in a seemingly endless haystack of digital confusion. Anticipation has become unfashionable.

  Enter the G9 SUMMIT. Filmed entirely on a Canon G9 Powershot between 2009-2015, The G9 SUMMIT follows Red-Tel mastermind DTZ through almost 6 years worth of traveling and good times with friends. Fun is the focus..... Hammers ? Hardly.

  So grab a big bag and kick back, cause' she's 25 minutes long....  this one's for the homies !

Jesse Dent, Tucson home base.  [o] AcPhoto

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up!! You have done the nice job having provided the latest information.
