Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Park Report: Very Cherry

 Scoo-preme crossover.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Correspondence: Good Day Sir

Matt Day, switch hardflip, San Diego.  [o] Cassidy

 Sunday skate missions have been the hi-lite of the last few weeks, rolling a few cars deep with homies every time. Big thanks to Matt Day for being a great spot guide, and stomping the hell out of a San Diego classic trick that would make T-Bone proud (above). More documentation of Sunday recreation to come in the following weeks. Keep that Plaza pillar warm for me - DTZ

Monday, November 24, 2014

Correspondence: Stateside

[o] Cassidy

  The annual Red Telephone staff trip for one to the southern States kicked in early this year, with Oceanside, California as the destination. Essential documentation as per Red-Tel guidelines has been commenced with positive results. More to come in the following months. Send my best to Gypsy........   DTZ

Adam Cassidy, Oceanside, CA, 2014.   [o] Macedo

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


 At long last, a sneak peak of some footage from the upcoming G9 SUMMIT - a video filmed entirely on a Canon G9 Powershot which was surprisingly Century MK1 fishbowl adaptable, over the course of 4 years. Random clips from Vancouver, Arizona, California and New York will be ghetto wedded in digital bliss for your viewing pleasure this spring ! For now, enjoy a taste of the video that accompanies many past Red Telephone articles..... seize the Derf !

Monday, September 8, 2014

Koston on Koston - Confirmed

  During my time working in skateboard distribution I've received plenty of hilarious solicitor emails from China, always trying to sell us things they think we would be interested in like "Many respectfuls scooter assembly", or "Skater bareing of all professional abec specify".... but this catalogue that showed up today in a box with some random stuff from China has to be the cream of the crop. 

  It's no secret that bootlegging/ripping off every brand under the sun is a huge industry in China, but this one is so blatant that it might make you question the effectiveness of trademark laws all together. Koston Skateboards. Yup. You read it right. It's probably safe to assume ol' Frosty has nothing to do with this, even though it's clear that the brand is trying to give it's customers that impression... 

 .... oh wait... what's this ? Some info about the company ? Do tell.......

  Ohhhhhhh, it means Knights of Skateboard... Ton. That makes sense. It's just a coincidence after all. Although, I'm not sure how "original design" it is to use one of the world's most famous skateboarder's name as the name for your brand.... maybe Mr.Paul Skateboards would have been better ? Then again, this is a brand for professionals.... and the logo is solid. Something oddly familiar about that font.....

  At least they're not heavily relying on Eric's name in their product artwork.....  and Koston is a Clippers guy, right ?


  There's no way Independent would be able to argue that this is a bite of their truck, it looks completely different !

  If Mr. Paul and Wang knew the reason for the logo placement, they probably wouldn't have put it on a longboard truck. Speaking of......

  Rasta Native longboards, coming to a political correctness internet discussion near you !


  Fiendish Mr. Paul, you done f#@ked up now. Tod Swank is gonna run a Big Brother ad with all of your team riders in it next month !

   So there you have it, the many impressives Koston Skateboard manufacture. They look forward to happily business dealings with you at exclusive wholesale price this future ! 

  Turns out Wang is a huge Keelan Dadd fan and wouldn't get on board with the brand unless they did a deck "similar" to whatever brand it is the Switch God rides for.... can't remember the name........... POW !

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Park Report: Game On

Well played Strathletes....  well played indeed. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Park Report: No Curb City

Minor setback lads.....

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Park Report: For My Doggz

Real doggz don't push mongo. WOOF !

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Park Report: Tough crowd

A gift from the cliche gods. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Park Report: The Box

The suspense is killing me.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Eastside fool !

 With so much tranny next to VCC, it's kinda hard for the Kreep and the DTZ to, uhh... look the other way, so we got right up on that lip like, just the other day. May, I, kick a pivot fakie (below)while the Kreep, sits, on a back D (above) as we rolled, through, wasn't in the morning... and the tranny's still kickin' cause' the city don't know. (they do)

 Update, June 14th - It's gone. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Park Report: Stickin'

Dude... I don't know, dude.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Open Wide

  George Faulkner [o] ACphoto

Monday, May 19, 2014

Park Report: Choices

Child... +1, Role model... -1,000,000.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Bud Patterson, Vancouver. [o] ACphoto

Monday, April 7, 2014


  April 7th, 2014, Vancouver BC - Photojournalist and Dancequatch tracker/enthusiast Josh Mitcham claims to be in possession of the most recent, and best ever images of a live Dancequatch... taken mere hours ago in broad daylight. He captured 3 images which he has agreed to share with The Red Telephone today, in hopes that worldwide doubt of the creature's existence will fade, and people will stop making fun of him at the grocery store. 

  "I'm pretty sure it was a female, and she was worked up about something.... dancin' all over that Gazebo like nobody's business..", claimed Josh, adding "... these photos are clear as day, that's a Dancequatch. People need to stop lying to themselves, saying Dancequatches aren't a real thing. Maybe we can all learn something from the Dancequatches if we begin to accept them.".

  Mitcham plans to form the first ever Dancequatch Information and Search Crew Organization, or DISCO, focusing on the safe capture and study of a creature that many people claim is nothing more than a hot chick who knows it. "She'll be back....  I put out some neon wrist scrunchies and an ergonomic water bottle to try and lure her back... we'll see." said Mitcham, showing a confidence that we at Red Tel can only describe as... somewhat creepy.

  Does the Dancequatch exist ? Is this a hot chick ? You be the judge....

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Southwestern Hospitality - Arizona Snowbirdin' 2014



  Arizona again. The northwest will be wet for the better part of 8 months. Getting a good dose of sun in the middle of all that is something special. Jersey Drew and a jeep full of fellow east coasters are on their way to the desert, Tecate sales skyrocket in Tucson and Phoenix over a 10 day period that follows. I personally put a noticeable spike on the Popeye's Chicken sales chart for the whole southwest in the month of January. BBQ sauce......

  I took some polaroid photos on the Hasselblad but gave them all away. Reverse souvenirs. Didn't give away any memory cards though, so enjoy some of the more aesthetically pleasing moments from the trip below.  

Made it to the desert in time for the holidays.

 Jesse Dent, the rippingest host, Tucson.

Oro Valley at sunset with Tula.

  The blogspot site keeps messing with the saturation levels on images, and it takes a lot of trial and error to get them corrected. Aaron makes up for that in advance by easily floating into trees with a frontside nosebone. 

  Dusty frontside bluntslide fakie with a view of the Catalinas by yours truly.

  Nick Ricker nosebluntslides at the Rosemont banks in Tucson. 


Phil Jackson, lien tail, Tucson.

  Jesse decks one of the nicest looking rock n' rolls I've ever seen on the most recent addition to the yard.

Family home sold mid January, so long to this backyard.... onward to Phoenix.

Drew, classic slash, Phoenix.

JT's last day in town, backside smith. 

Sun sets on the man with no flashes at Phoenix's big brother to Rosemont banks, Cactus ditch. Drew tailslides upstream on a lip that's seen buttery-er days.

  One last night of backyard campfire jams in Tempe before hitting the road for home by way of California. Always bring a guitar. 

 Mission Beach, San Diego. 

Buster, Oceanside.

Morning skate talk with Anthony in Oakland. Hardflip ponderings...
 [o] Patricia Kavanaugh.

World famous dog model Bear was there working on his latest look.

Went to the horse races for the first time, in Berkeley. Dollar beers on Sunday.... bye bye money.

[o] Poots Kidyanot

[o] P-town Kavendish

  Oakland was a quick stop due to an unexpected cold kicking my ass, so after 2 days in town I hit the road for Vancouver. 

  Big thanks to my family, Jesse Dent, Suski, Brad Westcott, Jersey Drew and his east coast crew, Cori and Alex, Patricia and Anthony, and everyone else who made this an awesome trip. 

  Whenever I look back on my 2014 winter vacation to the southwest, I'll remember one thing the most....