Friday, July 26, 2019


Stuck In The Past 2000's roots are in Vancouver, so it's no surprise Adam's tapes have an endless supply of Vancouver based clips featuring skaters from all over who have made the west coast city their home.

Part seven of the series dips heavily into the footage used for 2002's "VIDEO" video, with Craig Williams, Aaron Sheare, Kris Foley and a slew of other locs killing a wide variety of terrain, from the parks to the streets.

"I was skating a lot with Craig in the late 90's/early 2000's, and I even went along as the filmer on a Natural Koncepts tour to San Diego with the team, which was an insane journey filled with memorable stories, including waking up one morning in Lincoln City, OR, after sleeping all night in Craig's tiny car to turn on the radio and learn that two planes had just flown into the World Trade Center towers in NYC. We high-tailed it back to the border, which was a ghost town. Crazy times.

During my time filming Craig, we met Kris Foley and it was clear the dude was on a mission to make it or break himself off trying. The most mild mannered and polite person off the board, Kris was an aggressive beast once he got the skate juices flowing. I'm not sure he was scared of anything - or at least, he was confident and willing to try anything. He was incredibly skilled, and his willingness to tackle some of the gnarliest spots Vancouver has to offer was amazing to see, even if you were scared for his well being half the time. That 26 stair with the kink at the bottom had a crazy jagged and sharp metal post sticking out of the ground where the rail used to connect, and he just put some dirt and grass over it so he couldn't see it. Nuts. The other angle got sent in and used as a 411 opener - guess I missed the boat on that one. Haha!"

                                                                                 - Adam Cassidy

We also included some rare footage of a few fallen soldiers who are dearly missed by the Canadian skate community in this episode - RIP Josh Evin, Jamie Collins and Mike Evans. Three unbelievable rippers who had so much love to give and left a lasting legacy.

This one's a party on four wheels, so enjoy the trip down foggy memories lane, and stay tuned for a real banger in the next installment of Stuck In The Past 2000!

Filmed between 2000 - 2005